Sunday 8 March 2009

Day 20 - 06.03.09

This is the view from our bedroom window, looking accross to Warrington's house.

Here, closest to the camera, you can see the wall between the staircase and our new bedroom. The window at the left is that of the study looking towards the street. Our bedroom's doorframe is already in position. You happy with plain white doors? No mouldings or whatever?
20 Days - it feels as if it is a long time and as if they should have done more - but with mostly only 3 guys working....

1 comment:

  1. Yes, plain white doors are ok but maybe we should not go for the cheapest handles, what I mean is something in the middle of the range that is sturdy enough for a few years live time...

    And I think for 20 days they did rather well. I will feel better if the roof is finished.
